972-800-6855kathybrowsandspa@gmail.com Serving the Dallas-Fort-Worth Area

Lip Blush

Lip Blush or Lip Tattoo

When the natural lip color is lost or more definition is needed, lip blush or lip tattoo will fill the lips with the color of your choice to brighten your look.

Whether you choose to bring more definition to your lips by simply outlining them, also known as Lip Blend, or filling the lips entirely, you will enjoy a lipstick-free, vibrant and polished appearance.

Your session begins with an evaluation of your skin, facial features, and goals to determine the best outcome. With a use of a pencil I will outline your lips and, after your approval, I’ll deposit the pigment into your skin. Then anesthetics are used before and during the procedure to ensure you are comfortable. The session takes about 2 hours, depending on the desired look.