972-800-6855kathybrowsandspa@gmail.com Serving the Dallas-Fort-Worth Area

Booking Policy

Q: Is there a booking fee for scheduling an appointment?

Yes, there is a $50 booking fee based on your requested service which is required to schedule/confirm an appointment. We reserve 1 hour to 2.5 hours (depending on service) for each client to ensure adequate time. Last minute cancellations are significantly minimized when the client commits with a booking fee. The booking fee is to ensure that the client is ready and serious about the appointment.

The booking fee is non-refundable, but will be credited and applied towards the overall cost of services on your date of appointment. A minimum of 72 hours notice is required to reschedule your appointment without penalty. Less than 72 hours notice will result in the forfeit of your booking fee and a new booking fee will be required to reschedule your appointment.

Please contact us if you are going to be late for your appointment. Being more than 25 minutes late may result in a forfeit of your booking fee and the cancellation of your appointment. A new deposit will be required for re-booking a new appointment.